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Category: For the Parents

5 Tricks to Get Your Kids to Drink More Water

We all know that water is hands-down the best thing for our kids to drink. If the H2O battle is one you’re familiar with, try out a few of these tricks that are sure to get your kids to drink more water.

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Monkey Joe’s 2018 Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids

The holidays are one of the best times of the year, and one of the most memorable for kids of all ages. While kids are busy making lists and celebrating with cookies and candy canes, parents are running around trying to get their shopping done. Not sure what to get your little one? Monkey Joe’s is helping all busy parents out with a list of some of our favorite holiday gift ideas for kids!

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6 Tips for Staying Healthy During Flu Season

It’s that time of the year again! Signs are starting to pop up around every corner telling you to get your flu shot. Not everyone takes a family trip to the doctor’s office to get flu shots, so staying healthy during flu season isn’t always easy.

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