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5 Back to School Tips For Your Kiddos

Are the kids going back to school (or going to school for the first time)? We know this is an emotional time for you as a parent and for your kids. Maybe you’ve spent the entire summer with them, and you’ll miss them going back to their school routine. Maybe they’re about to head off to kindergarten, and you’re likely feeling all the emotions! Even if you’ve been working all summer, you’ve still been able to enjoy some extra fun summer times with them, and that first day of school will surely be an adjustment. No matter where you are with going back to school, you’ll need these back to school tips.

So before school starts for them, we have some homework for you! Here are our top 5 back to school tips:

Go shopping!

This is a fun one. Your kids will love getting new school supplies and being able to express themselves with their brand new lunchbox, pencil box, or folders. You can keep this cheap, but use it as a fun day of bonding and creating excitement for your kids to go back to school.

Get back into a routine.

Do you have routines in the summer, or do you let them go as soon as your kids get out of school for the summer? Either way, it’s time to get back into a school routine, and that’s not easy. Set an earlier bedtime and start setting those alarms earlier and practice routines with your kids.

Encourage them to eat breakfast earlier so they’re used to it when that first day of school comes, and see how quickly they can get ready in the mornings. Practice the entire routine: brushing teeth and hair, getting dressed, packing a backpack, etc. Even make it a game to see who can get ready the quickest!

Get to know the kids (and parents) in your kids’ classes.

This will help your kid feel less intimidated about starting a new year with new people. Plus, knowing who your child is spending their time with every day will put you at ease and maybe even help you make more parent friends, too!

Consider a playdate before school starts. We have plenty of group options just for that! Get your entire class together to get to know each other before school starts, or get a smaller group of friends in order to bring them closer and get them excited for the year ahead.

Encourage exercise.

Did you know that physical activity can help your child be happier, healthier, and even better in school? Encourage some exercise each day before they head back to school in order to get them used to it. This will help encourage an active lifestyle even as the school year kicks in and life becomes a little more hectic.

Have a farewell to summer party!

Any excuse to throw a party, right?! Throw a party to celebrate the end of an awesome summer and the beginning of a great school year. Invite all of your children’s friends and let them have fun together without having to think about homework for one more day!

At Monkey Joe’s, we’ll help you throw the perfect party for your child. Get all the details here and contact your nearest location here.
