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5 Unique Fundraising Ideas for Kids

It’s fundraising season! Time to raise some funds for your child’s team, troop, classroom, or club, but what if you could do something fun this year? Make this the year that your child and their friends break out of the norm and have a fun, successful fundraising event that they’ll remember forever! We’ve put together our favorite fundraising ideas for kids to get you started.

Top fundraising ideas for kids:

5K run/walk

This is especially perfect if you’re raising money for a sports team or a club that focuses on exercise. Plus, it doesn’t require too many things to plan for it. All you need is a track, some volunteers, and maybe some prizes for your winners.

The best place to host a 5K is at your child’s school, where you likely already have a track and field that can be used for free or a very low fee. Just be sure to look into insurance here – a school may not require anything, but a separate location might.

Bingo night

Bingo is a fun and relatively easy activity to pull off. You’ll just need a location such as a large gym or auditorium (your child’s school could be perfect for this).

This is also a great opportunity to add in some refreshments for sale in order to raise some more money. Get local businesses to donate food or to give you a discount for the fundraiser and you’ll be set to raise plenty of funds.

All you need is a bingo set (you can even make your own!), a microphone, and some prizes. You can make it even more fun by adding in some music and other activities that won’t cost you anything.

Family fun night

Again, a large gym would be perfect for this. Get the parents of your organization to donate or set up different activities throughout the gym and charge for admission or by the activity. Add in some fun games and prizes throughout the night to keep the fun going.

Get your whole school or community together for some fun games and activities, all while raising support for a great organization.


Whether it’s a bowl-a-thon, dance-a-thon, walk-a-thon, spell-a-thon, or anything-else-a-thon, get people together who enjoy something and allow them to have a fun time while supporting your group.

Go off a pledge system where participants get pledges to donate a specific amount of money for various milestones throughout, or have a flat entry fee for each participant.


Similar to an a-thon, a tournament is a great way to get some friendly competition going. It can be cornhole, ping pong, golf (or mini golf!), kickball, dodgeball… anything!

Find something that will attract plenty of people (so try not to do something that most people don’t have the skills for) and that’s fun to watch. Each team can be charged a certain amount to enter the tournament, and you can offer prizes for the winners. Add in an entry fee for spectators as well as some refreshments for sale throughout the tournament in order to raise even more.

Get your children involved in these fundraising events by picking the event and giving feedback on the little details. Even designate specific volunteer jobs for each of them so they have a responsibility throughout the event.

Did you know that we offer fundraising opportunities here at Monkey Joe’s? That’s right! Your kids can bounce for a cause. You can host your event, incentivize your kids with achievement awards, and receive discounted admission for your group through our fundraising opportunities. Learn more about your location’s opportunities here.
